By Lauren Swood

Many years ago small businesses succeeded perfectly well without online marketing, so why shouldn’t they do so now? The simple fact is if the service is readily available to you, which back then it wasn’t, and it’s at a cost effective price, why wouldn’t a company opt to use online marketing in order to survive? Survival is a much more difficult for small businesses, obviously because they are being pitted against the larger, well-known, high street businesses; stores which customers rely on due to simple factors such as reputation, pricing and quality. However if small businesses can get their marketing right on target, is there no reason why they could not compete and succeed against larger retailers. Small business must have the fight and determination in order to be in a sustainable competitive position against larger businesses. Unlike the larger organisations, smaller businesses do not require the level of revenue in order to survive.

Small businesses should make the most out of SEO


services. Why? It’s simple; target reach. It is important to give your customers options as to how they can reach you and access your services. The simple fact is that we are now living in a generation where everybody expects convenience due to lifestyles simply becoming busier and busier. Therefore it is essential that all businesses, large or small, make the effort to reach out to their target audience by making the services as available as possible. The number of SEO agencies coming in to the industry is increasing year on year; they are aware all businesses are in need of their services, and now therefore competing amongst themselves for clientele.

SEO agencies specialise in social networking sites such as Twitter; Facebook; Tumblr and LinkedIn. The fact is that such websites have millions of followers on a global scale; there isn’t a more ideal, cost effective way to reach your audience. Weather businesses wish to set these up themselves or higher an SEO Company to do the hard work; either way they cannot go wrong. Setting up a profile page is all it takes; it’s the perfect way to offer your audiences’ promotions they simply cannot refuse; and all they will be expected to do in return is follow your business to gain access to the best offers and discounts. The more and more followers gained, the easier it will be for future customers to discover the business. Also, a great advantage to businesses would be that individual messages would not have to be sent to each customer; one, single message would be more than enough to notify clientele about any recent news and product updates related to the business. However it is highly advisable, in order to be a success, that businesses keep followers up to date at all times, sending out posts and e-mails weekly; customers must constantly be aware of your business and services you offer at all times.

As well as social networking sites, another major advantage to online marketing are blogs. Creating a blog and updating this weekly or monthly, can so wonders for a smaller businesses’ survival. However it is important to make sure an appropriate blog is selected and one in which has relevance to your business. Again, if this is something you struggle to come to terms with, SEO agencies are widely available to support businesses in setting up their online marketing campaigns. Information must all be legitimate and completely accurate, not to mention 100% truthful in order to rake in the desired clientele.

About the Author: I have over twenty years of experience in the field of

online marketing

and have worked with businesses across the industry field, helping them to implement


, PPC and social media in a bid to grow to new heights. I am an avid technology freak but aside from that, I love to spend time with my children and explore the outdoors and the beauty of nature!


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