By Bill Knell

According to Officials at the state run Vietnam News Agency, ‘An unidentified flying object exploded at about 10am on May 27 over the northern part of Phu Quoc Island.” Colonel Nguyen Van Qui, a military commander on the island was the source of the report and no civilian, commercial or military aircraft are said to be missing in that area of southern Vietnam or nearby Cambodia.

The object that crashed was first seen in the skies over Cambodia where officials said it appeared as a ‘fire in the sky.’ The thing exploded shortly after that and what was left of it crashed on Phu Quoc Island. Citizens of a commune on the island retrieved a piece of metal from the crash that they described as measuring ‘one metre by about 60 centimeters.’ The metal is unusual looking and appears to have symbols engraved or stamped into it.

Additional pieces of metal were recovered by members of the military and civilians. At this writing, there are fourteen pieces in possession of the Military Command of Phu Quoc District. The metal debris rained down in Ganh Dau and Cua Can communes on Phu Quoc at about 10:20 a.m. on May 27, 2008, according to Lam Quang Chanh, a spokesperson for the provincial People’s Committee.


While it’s entirely possible that the sightings and recovered material may have nothing to do with an Alien Spacecraft, the events surrounding this crash are similar to other incidents involving UFOs. For example, some of the symbols that appear to be engraved or stamped into the metal (if they are genuine) are similar to those described by witnesses on the thing that crashed near Kecksburg, Pennsylvania, in the 1960s. An I-beam from the Roswell UFO Crash in 1947 was also reported to have unknown symbols on it.

Phu Quoc Island is a popular tourist destination located in the Gulf of Thailand. It has thirteen resort areas and several urban centers. The island was once considered a backwater area known primarily for the production of anchovy sauce and black pepper. Once a French territory with rubber and coconut plantations, Phu Quoc Island housed a prisoner of war camp during the Vietnam War. Vietnam and Cambodia struggled over possession of the island for years after the war until it finally became a part of Vietnam in 1975.

UFO crashes are rare events. When they occur in an area of the world that may not be under the control of the usual cover-up suspects, an opportunity presents itself for the nation and people involved to share what has happened with the world. Vietnam is a Communist country with close ties to China, so there still may be a tight lid clamped on this event at some point. If that doesn’t occur, we may have a chance to see the smoking gun that proves intelligent Alien life forms exist and are visiting the Earth.

You can see a photo of the debris, view other photos related to this article and read more at

About the Author: Author: Bill Knell is a popular paranormal author, speaker and consultant. Author’s Website: Terms To Use Article: Permission is granted to use this article for free online or in print with inclusion of the author’s url.


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