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Submitted by: Cherokee Billie
Nowadays more and more people want to know what to expect when they die. They also ask me, Where am I going to go when I die? What is it like in spirit? Do we get to see people we loved? Do we get to meet other spirits? Do we have bodies? The list of questions goes on. Death is held as such a mystery that the only time most people embark on the voyage of self realization is when they are faced with the inevitability of their death.
What I would like to do here is share with you what I have learned about the afterlife based on my personal experiences in astral projection into spirit as well as channeling deceased loved ones and what they have to say about their lives in spirit.
I have been studying various religions and spiritual teachings for over 35 years. With all the knowledge that I have gained in that time, I was not sure of what it was really like in the spirit world. What started me to see the spirit world was my father. My father was comatose and being kept alive artificially on machines. This went against my personal beliefs because I knew that his body was worn out and that it was time for him to move on to spirit. I knew he was afraid of dying and out of desperation I did something I had never done before, I put myself into a state of hypnosis and I astral projected myself to him in his hospital bed.
Let me explain a little bit about astral projection which is taken from Wikipedia, Astral projection (or astral travel) is an interpretation of any form of out-of-body experience (OOBE) that assumes the existence of an “astral body” separate from the physical body and capable of traveling outside it. Astral projection or travel denotes the astral body leaving the physical body to travel in the astral plane.
The idea of astral travel is rooted in common worldwide religious accounts of the afterlife in which the consciousness’ or soul’s journey or “ascent” is described in such terms as “an…out-of body experience, wherein the spiritual traveler leaves the physical body and travels in his/her subtle body (or dreambody or astral body) into higher realms.” It is therefore associated with near death experiences and is also frequently reported as spontaneously experienced in association with sleep and dreams, illness, surgical operations, drug experiences, sleep paralysis, hypnosis, and forms of meditation.
I had to do this in silence and completely alone; that is why I was not in the hospital to do this. I took his spirit by the hand and drew it out of his body, and led him into the spirit world. I was surprised at who greeted him at the entrance; it was his army captain from World War Two that he had thought the world of. I waited outside as his captain led him inside of the spirit world. I could hear many people talking and laughing. I did not know what they were saying because it was not important to me all that mattered was that my father was seeing what life was in spirit. After a while the conversation died down and he returned to where I was waiting. From there I took him back into his body. I knew at that point he had no fear of dying, and the next day he did pass away.
In less than twenty hours I woke up with my father screaming into my ear everything that he wanted me to know before he left the physical plane. It did not frighten me at all because I knew he had left without telling me many things. For the next three days he manifested himself where I could see his spirit.
Because of this I never again doubted that the spirit world was far more real then our physical world is. I know the reason I can see spiritual truths is because of my Native American heritage. We understand the spirits and honor them in everything we do. I started working as a clairvoyant, and clients would ask me if I could connect to a deceased loved one. The first time I did this I was not sure if I could, but it was a young man who had been killed in a motorcycle accident; and his mother wanted to talk with him. I was able to give her a description of everything that happened and what he wanted to tell her now. This was one of the most moving moments emotionally in my life. I knew I had helped this woman have a connection with her son, which would lead to her healing.
When I started doing clairvoyant work professionally I was asked to channel a deceased loved one and do it by e-mail. I did not know how I would be able to get answers without connecting to the person, but I took on the job and trusted that the Great Spirit would give me the answers.
It amazes me at the answers I receive, and as I am receiving them, I actually see what the deceased person is talking about. It is a magnificent experience for me. I feel that I get as much out of it as the person I am asking the questions for.
This message that I received is from the spirit of the sister of a dear lady who was having a lot of trouble dealing with her sister s untimely death at a young age from cancer. She wanted to know how her sister felt and what was happening for her now that she was dead. This lady had been told by another psychic that she did not deserve answers from her sister, and it had nearly caused her to have a complete nervous breakdown. I related what I had gotten from her sister and wrote this message to her from what I saw, and then her sister spoke directly to her.
December 30, 2009
Dear Carmen:
There is absolutely no reason that you don t deserve answers from Katie. You both had a very close bond and that does not end just because she has moved into spirit. I am surprised, than again not so surprised, that people would tell you such hurtful things.
I can tell that you have a very sweet sensitive spirit and God loves you.
To start off with I want you to know that people who have passed over are different in spirit. They may not remember or see things the way you do. Remember they are in a different dimension and have left behind the negative emotions that most humans carry. You can go to my web site and read about this in more detail in an article I wrote called, After Life. I just want you to understand because they are different than we are now. Someday we will be in the same liberty that they are.
As I started to connect with Katie I received the strangest message. She says here s your little Kit Kat. I don t know if she ever said this in life, but that s what she feels now. She says she has been coming to you since her passing and has been trying to let you know that she is with you. She says that your grief has stopped her messages coming to you, that you would have normally been receiving such as in dreams, smelling her perfume or noticing curtains moving and electronics acting differently. It was the closeness of your relationship that caused such grief for you. Katie is not disappointed that you felt that way she knew it was going to hit you very hard. Don t blame yourself for taking her death so hard. You loved her very much and that s why it was hard. Grief takes however long it takes to subside. You will never stop thinking about her and you will be reunited in the spirit world.
She wants you to know that she is extremely happy and never has to suffer pain any more. She says it was your experiencing every step of her illness that tore you up.
Here s an answer to your first question. How did you deal with your passing? Here are Katie s answers.
I was ready to let go. Those final breaths were my letting go of my physical body. Believe me the minute I was gone I was watching you and mom and I could see your pain, but I was experiencing total bliss. If I could have said anything to you to at the last moment it would ve been, I love you. You both were the closest people to me and nobody loved me as much as you too. Others cared about me, but it wasn t like what you two did.
Because of your being so sensitive my death really hit your heart hard, you don t need to apologize for it any of your actions or thoughts. You have nothing to be forgiven for. I think the best way for you to be able to handle death is to realize that it s passing from one life to another. We shed off our bodies like a snake gets rid of its old skin. And we are truly born again in the presence of Divine Love.
The more you let go of your grief you will find me coming into your dreams. At night before you go to sleep pray and ask the angels to bring me to you. In the morning have a pen and paper by the bed and write down what ever you get. Keep this as a journal and in time you will start seeing my messages coming through.
At night I walk around your bedroom and I sometimes sit on your bed holding your right hand. If you ever feel a sensation on your right hand whether you re asleep or awake Realize it s me connecting with you.
You re going to start finding the pain easing in your heart. I love you dearly and please tell mom the same thing. Let her see this message because it may bring up some experience is she has had with me and didn t realize it was me.
I look forward to being reunited with you and everyone in the family in spirit.
I love you,
After I sent Carmen this message, she wrote me back that the nick name I received was absolutely the one that they called her sister. She could not believe everything that I had gotten after the terrible experience she had before with the other psychic. Carmen verified that she knew it was her sister speaking to her because of the way she addressed everything she was feeling. This was an interesting experience because I kept hearing that nick name over and over. This message gave Carmen peace of mind and she has been able to go forward without so much pain in her heart.
When we pass into spirit we do not instantly gain all knowledge and become filled with wisdom. There is a learning curve and we keep learning in spirit. Think of death as birth of your soul.
I have found through my experiences of going into spirit and speaking with the deceased that there is life after death, and what I do in this life affects what happens in the next one, it is the law of Karma. It is comforting to know that life does go on, and that one can always learn, grow, and develop spiritually. The detail about everything in the spirit world does not matter. What does make a difference is the belief that any one of us can make an effort to be of service to others, to love, to develop spiritually, and to work toward oneness with God/The Divine Spirit.
About the Author:
Native American Psychic Cherokee Billie has been working as a Clairvoyant advisor for over 25 years. She receives messages that will change your life! She helps her clients to connect with their Soul’s Path, bringing peace and joy into their daily lives. Fast – Straightforward Answers and the Plain
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